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Loot FTW Presents...Ragnaros HC

Malice <11/09/11 14.05> 2 comments

Shameless self promotion at end, I know.

Also, I didn't know aleo had actually created a music sequence and uploaded it to the ftp. I definitely wasn't aware Tyllo might still be making something as well. So if this was the case my apologies!

Two Steps From Hell - Black Blade
Two Steps From Hell - Armada
Two Steps From Hell - Moving Mountains
Two Steps From Hell - To Glory

(cause there songs haven't ever been used before! *cough*)

Loot FTW vs Sinestra

kiwi <06/05/11 22.36> 4 comments
Long time since ive posted a vid here,, so ive decided to post a vid from our recent kill on Sinestra in our 25man content.
Pov is from me (kiwi) resto shaman with a broken left hand wrist :(

http://media.lootftw.com/kiwi/sinestra.mp4 - High Quality 462mb

movie is recorded in full HD so if you lack codec's i strongly suggest you download an h264 codec or VLC (www.videolan.org).

Track List:
New Tone - Run
Blue Stahli - Accelerant
Professor Green - Monster (Camo & Krooked remix)

Loot FTW Presents...Halion the Twilight Destroyer HC

Konflict <03/07/10 23.44> 16 comments
http://media.lootftw.com/Konflict/Halion.avi High Quality - 417mb File - Running Time: 07:54

This is the footage from our first Halion the Twilight Destroyer Kill on 03/07/2010

It is filmed from a Warlock POV and shows the upstairs fire realm in phase 3 but you can clearly see what goes on in previous phases as well as the upstairs fire realm in P3 of course.


The movie has been rendered using the xvid codec meaning you'll need the correct codec or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. There's also the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

Music (In Order of Appearance):

Mark Eteson Featuring Zirenz - The Hymm (Activa Presents Solar Movement Remix)

Loot FTW Presents...The Lich King HC

Konflict <11/06/10 02.54> 20 comments
http://media.lootftw.com/Konflict/the_lich_king_hc.avi - High Quality - 1.06GB File - Running Time: 24:26

This is the footage from our first Lich King Heroic Mode Kill on 30/05/2010

It is filmed from a DPS Warrior POV, but you can clearly see most of what is going during the whole encounter.


The movie has been rendered using the xvid codec meaning you'll need the correct codec or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. There's also the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

Music (In Order of Appearance):

Immediate Music - Grand Inquisition
Immediate Music - Lacrimosa
Immediate Music - Fahrenheit
Immediate Music - Blasphemy 2.0 (Edited Version)
Immediate Music - Final Omen 2.0 (Edited Version)
Immediate Music - All Hell Breaks Loose
Immediate Music - Strength & Honor
Immediate Music - Ultimatum (Edited Version)
Immediate Music - Redeemer
Immediate Music - Heaven's Warriors
Immediate Music - Love And War
Christopher Field - Gothic Power

Loot FTW Presents...Professor Putricide Hard mode!

kiwi <11/03/10 07.18> 1 comments
http://media.lootftw.com/kiwi/professor_putricide.mp4 - High Quality (429mb File)

This is the footage from our first Professor Putricide hard mode kill at 9/3 -10 .

pov as you should know by now is from a sweet resto shaman !


The movie has been render with a H264 720p HD codec meaning you'll need the correct codes or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. Either that or just get some decent codecs...like the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

Music :
009 Sound System - Dreamscape (Long Edit)

Loot FTW Presents...Deathbringer Saurfang Hard mode!

kiwi <02/03/10 03.57> 0 comments
http://media.lootftw.com/kiwi/Deathbringer_Saurfang.mp4 - High Quality (219mb File)

This is the footage from our second Deathbringer Saurfang hard mode kill.

It's from the POV of a resto shaman and you can clearly see in this video that you dont need to stack holy paladins to get a clean kill :)


The movie has been render with a H264 720p HD codec meaning you'll need the correct codes or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. Either that or just get some decent codecs...like the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

Music :
Linkin Park - Rnw@y (from Reanimation album)
Pendulum - Blood Sugar

Loot FTW Presents...Sindragosa!

Konflict <10/02/10 16.18> 1 comments
http://media.lootftw.com/Konflict/Sindragosa.avi - High Quality (725mb File)

This is the footage from our First Normal Mode Sindragosa kill on the 04/02/10.

It's from the POV of a DPS Warrior but you can clearly see the whole raid and the fight itself.


As a side note, I switched to a H264 codec meaning you'll need the correct codes or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. Either that or just get some decent codecs...like the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

Music (In Order of Appearance):

Destination X - Dangerous (Hurabashi Remix)

Loot FTW Presents...Blood-Queen Lana'thel!

kiwi <01/02/10 16.42> 7 comments
http://media.lootftw.com/kiwi/blood_queen.mp4 - High Quality (218 mb File)
This is the footage from our seocnd Blood-Queen Lana'thel in 25man normal. POV from a resto Shaman.

As a side note, The movie has been render with a H264 720p HD codec meaning you'll need the correct codes or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. Either that or just get some decent codecs...like the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

Music from the intro & movie.

Linkin Park - By myslf (from Reanimation album)
Tiesto - Helsinki Scorchin'

Loot FTW Presents...Anub'arak!

Konflict <25/09/09 11.10> 4 comments
http://media.lootftw.com/Konflict/anub_heroic.avi - High Quality (490 mb File)

This is the footage from our First Anub'Arak Heroic 25 Kill on the 24/9/09. It's from the POV of a DPS Warrior but you can clearly see the whole raid and the fight itself.


As a side note, I switched to a H264 codec meaning you'll need the correct codes or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. Either that or just get some decent codecs...like the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

Music (In Order of Appearance):

Nic Chagall vs. The Blizzard - Kalopsian Blue (Little 3 R-Brushed Bootleg)

Loot FTW Presents...Alone in the Darkness!

Konflict <21/08/09 13.07> 0 comments
http://media.lootftw.com/Konflict/yogg_hardmode.avi - High Quality (719mb File) - Normal Version
http://media.lootftw.com/Konflict/yogg_hardmode_split.avi - High Quality (688mb File) - Split Screen Version

This is the footage from our First Alone in the Darkness Kill on the 13/8/09. There are two versions of the movie.

The 1st version is from a DPS warrior perspective which allows you to follow an Enhancement Shaman POV throughout the fight in a much smaller window in a corner.

The 2nd version features a complete 50/50 split screen from a DPS Warrior and Enhancement Shaman perspective allowing you to follow them both carrying out their various tasks continuously throughout the whole fight.


As a side note, I switched to a H264 codec meaning you'll need the correct codes or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. Either that or just get some decent codecs...like the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

Music (In Order of Appearance):

Thomas Datt & Bissen - Take Your Time (Thomas Datt Instrumental Mix)
Edward Carnby - Alone in the dark (Tiësto Vocal Mix)

Loot FTW Presents...Observed!

Konflict <30/07/09 11.06> 0 comments
http://media.lootftw.com/Konflict/Algalon.avi - High Quality (462mb File)

This is the footage from our First Algalon Kill on the 29/7/09. It's from the POV of a DPS Warrior.


As a side note, I switched to a H264 codec meaning you'll need the correct codes or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. Either that or just get some decent codecs...like the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

Music (In Order of Appearance):

Samuel Barber - Adagio For Strings
DJ Tiësto - Adagio For Strings

Loot FTW Presents...Firefighter!

Konflict <12/06/09 11.32> 20 comments
http://media.lootftw.com/Konflict/mimiron_hardmode.avi - High Quality (574mb File)
http://media.lootftw.com/Konflict/mimiron_hardmodeHQ.avi - Very Higher Quality (717mb File)

This is the footage from our First Mimiron Hard Mode Kill on the 11/6/09. It's from the POV of a DPS Warrior but you can clearly see the whole raid and the fight itself.


As a side note, I switched to a H264 codec meaning you'll need the correct codes or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. Either that or just get some decent codecs...like the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

Music (In Order of Appearance):

Journey - Eye of the Tiger
The Prodigy - Firestarter
The Prodigy - Spitfire
Lost Tribe - Gamemaster (Signum Remix)

Loot FTW presents... Orbit-uary

darchon <28/05/09 16.00> 3 comments
Enjoy this cool fight from the point of view of Kazzim (warlock) being shot up on the Flame leviathan.


Loot FTW Presents...Heartbreaker!

Konflict <26/05/09 02.05> 9 comments

This is the footage from our First XT-002 Deconstructor Hard Mode Kill on the 22/5/09. It's from the POV of a DPS Warrior but you can clearly see the whole raid and the fight itself.

The first track is inspired by Milenko!


As a side note, I switched to a H264 codec meaning you'll need the correct codes or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. Either that or just get some decent codecs...like the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire.http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

P.S. Look out for the noob DK almost causing a raid wipe!

Music (In Order of Appearance):

Mariah Carey - Heartbreaker
Benassi Bros - Rumenian (Feat Violeta Original Version)
Benassi Bros - Illusion (Feat Sandy Sfaction Version)

Loot FTW Presents...Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood!

Konflict <25/05/09 22.57> 0 comments

This is the footage from our First Freya Hard Mode kill on 18/05/09. It's a Multiple POV movie from Nazrm, Konflict & Rox. Enjoy!

As a side note, I switched to a H264 codec meaning you'll need the correct codes or a player such as VLC (available at www.videolan.org) in order to play the movie. Either that or just get some decent codecs...like the K-Lite Codec Pack which'll allow you to play the movie in whatever player you desire. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm

Music (In Order of Appearance):

Dallaz Project - Double One (Original Mix)
Super8 & Tab feat. Alyna - Delusion (Original Mix)

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Old movies

Gee, even older!

These are from the Vanilla-times. Enjoy.

- Kel'Thuzad // - Kel'Thuzad II
by Mar/Nara
- Sapphiron
by Shinzon
- The Four Horsemen
by Erl
- Grand Widow Faerlina
by Kheldan
- Loatheb // - Loahteb II (Alt)
by Mar/Lod
- Grobbulus
by Mar
- Patchwerk
by Mar
- C'Thun I // C'Thun II // C'Thun III
by Mar/Erl/Tobab
- Twin Emperors
by Erl
- Skeram -> Twins
by Mar
- BWL as a Druid
by Shinzon
- ZG Full sweep
by Mar
- Onyxia, worst kill ever
by Mar

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