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Loot Council, THE SYSTEM

Loot council

In Loot FTW we see loot as a tool to kill bosses. To get the most out of loot we will distribute loot to those roles that need it the most on an encounter by encounter basis.

● Recruitment

Loot FTW is always on the look out for exceptional players
- All Classes Open

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● forum posts

Any old LFTW'ers alive? (102 replies)
by Mindcrime on 29/10/21 02:39
WoW Classic (13 replies)
by Nirai on 04/03/20 01:10
Mythic: The Eternal Palace 6/8 (0 replies)
by Talz on 14/08/19 11:33
Letter from other world (24 replies)
by Kir on 07/07/19 22:09
Mythic: Uu'nat (0 replies)
by Talz on 24/06/19 21:48

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