Mythic: The Eternal Palace 6/8
Talz <14/08/19 12.33>
Apologies for not updating in a while.
Great start to this tier with only the final two left to go. Videos are linked on the wowprogress page if anyone is interested in seeing the kills.
Mythic: Uu'nat
Talz <24/06/19 22.48>
Feels great to close this "mini-tier" with our best world rank since becoming a 2-day guild.
Looking forward to the release of the Eternal Palace and hope to keep up the momentum
Mythic: Restless Cabal
Talz <14/05/19 10.25>
First boss of the "mini-raid" goes down after roughly 135 pulls.
We're on the look-out for some exceptional ranged dps / healers for Uu'nat and 8.2
Mythic: Jaina Proudmoore
Talz <04/04/19 17.26>
Just in time for the mini-raid!
A really great result this tier. Much improved on Uldir and Antorus.
Mythic: Stormwall Blockade
Talz <27/02/19 11.35>
Only Jaina remains!
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