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Payback > Peon (45) > 23/03/10 06:40
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Hi all,i doubt that anyone still remembers me but still decided to say hi to all of u ppl.It was long time ago since i transfered out of Th,i barely have any memories.Well last year[2009] i transfered back to Th to play with some friends again but u were gone out of TH sadly so i couldnt say 'Hi' ingame.Anyway few months after transfering back i quitted the game,this time forever,pvp is broken and pve is...well repetitive[u know].Anyway,wanted to say sorry to Cyo and all others that i caused trouble with my presence back then,i made some mistakes,was young and thought that i was doing the right things and had fun[ganking especially,hi panos btw,talkin bout ganking].Well hope i can meet ya in some other game people,hopefully diablo 3 or smth[if i play that].

P.S Ainav-Kfo staa nub Razz

P.S Tandris-Sad to hear that man;/.Hope u recover faster than expected.Catch ya on msn these days when ur on to talk in private.
Cyosis > GUILD MASTER (1337) > 23/03/10 17:50
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Back to Ironforge with you to get a proper PvE spec!
djuro > LOOT FTW LIKES ME (576) > 24/03/10 18:45
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Hey Payback Smile

Alzheimer hasn't hit just yet.
Pero > LOOT FTW LIKES ME (687) > 02/04/10 19:12
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Hey papaks!

I'm still alive and kicking, just not in WoW. Nice to see all those familiar names here again. Smile

@ Tandris: A jebote led Tandrinjo, pa nemrem vjerovat kaj ti se desilo, nisam pojma imao. Ajd ozdravi stari, ne daj se.
(not exact translation to English, but it captures the essence of my message) OMFG, I'm so sad to hear what happened. Get well soon you nub, so I can kick your ass for being that stupid.

/wave @ all the croatian papaks - pa di ste ekipa! Cime se bavite vi?

Djuro Djuro tftftftftft

/roflspitmoonrude Shaeltal

/spit Alayn

Cyo you dutch nub, still high all the time?
<3 Barcelona!

I pinch!

Shaeltal is gay!
Akron > TROLL (1560) > 03/04/10 13:56
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Pero wrote:
I'm still alive and kicking, just not in WoW.

You never were kicking in WoW and half the time you weren't alive either.

/orflolol peruuuuuu
Pero wrote:
fuckin nub! quit the job, not the guild!!!
Pero > LOOT FTW LIKES ME (687) > 04/04/10 14:11
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Akron wrote:
Pero wrote:
I'm still alive and kicking, just not in WoW.

You never were kicking in WoW and half the time you weren't alive either.

/orflolol peruuuuuu

lol, fu akron you nublock, at least I wasn't afking all the time like you did.
<3 Barcelona!

I pinch!

Shaeltal is gay!
crul > "I TRIED MY BEST" (212) > 04/04/10 15:02
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Pero wrote:
Akron wrote:
Pero wrote:
I'm still alive and kicking, just not in WoW.

You never were kicking in WoW and half the time you weren't alive either.

/orflolol peruuuuuu

lol, fu akron you nublock, at least I wasn't afking all the time like you did.

too bad you didn't peru - would only help ..
Akron > TROLL (1560) > 04/04/10 17:20
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I was only afk whenever you were corpse-running.
Pero wrote:
fuckin nub! quit the job, not the guild!!!
Mar > WANNABE TROLL (1414) > 05/04/10 17:27
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You forget one thing: Rock crushes scissors. But paper covers rock... and scissors cuts paper...
Kiff, we have a conundrum. Search them for paper... and bring me a rock.
-- Zapp Brannigan
Pero > LOOT FTW LIKES ME (687) > 08/04/10 18:18
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Maaaaaaaaaaaaaar, you still playing WoW you nub? Very Happy
<3 Barcelona!

I pinch!

Shaeltal is gay!
Pero > LOOT FTW LIKES ME (687) > 08/04/10 18:20
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Oh yeah, I forgot to ask: Is Alayn still stacking dkp up like he used to? Such fag...
<3 Barcelona!

I pinch!

Shaeltal is gay!
Komodo > "I TRIED MY BEST" (114) > 09/04/10 01:42
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Hey! I'm still out dpsing you all.
Grunge > LOOT FTW LIKES ME (551) > 10/04/10 04:46
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Komodo wrote:
Hey! I'm still out dpsing you all.

Sounds like a challenge to me.

Come back and prove it, if you dare!
Fans glory to the Gladiators,
Gods glory to the Heroes.
Teddybear > "I TRIED MY BEST" (132) > 11/04/10 01:55
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Teddy is still round, but on another realm though!
Tryx > Peon (25) > 13/04/10 20:11
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tandris wrote:
Nah...I started to move my arms, but my legs and fingers aint working. ITs pretty fucked up Sad Now i am 7 months in hospital but docctors say rehabilitation lasts for atleast two years.

Damn. Neutral If you can type and post on forums I hope it is getting better.
Sayana > LOOT FTW LIKES ME (697) > 27/04/10 20:22
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Pero you could never have been alive and kicking, with all the time you spent loading up a BIG POH!
Quixoz > WANNABE TROLL (1227) > 28/04/10 05:51
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Shieru wrote:
Pero you could never have been alive and kicking, with all the time you spent loading up a BIG POH!

Omar wtf u still alive man!
Sayana > LOOT FTW LIKES ME (697) > 28/04/10 16:32
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Pretty much.
As far as online goes I've leaped back into the wonderful world of FPS (Warsow and Quake Live mainly) but I still always lurk the LFTW irc channel. :--)

What have you been up to mister iron man?
Teddybear > "I TRIED MY BEST" (132) > 24/05/10 18:21
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Just out of curiosity is the frost DK recruit supposed to be tank or dps?
Konflict > TROLL (1504) > 24/05/10 21:20
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Teddybear wrote:
Just out of curiosity is the frost DK recruit supposed to be tank or dps?

Should be able to do both and be geared enough for either. But DPS foremost.

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